Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Spit Take or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Spittoon

I love to spit as much as the next guy, but I don't do in front of the whole wide world or web. I use a tissue, sink or toilet or if pushed I just swallow. But in the city of Edmonton, it's like the wild west out there, public spitting everywhere and I hate it.
Gross and unsanitary, and you never know where the next one is going to come from, watch out for a change in wind direction!!!! No wonder some cultures don't let you wear shoes in the house. We no longer have nice dirt roads that can absorb the spittle, and the next thing you know there will be spit bouncing off the rubber sidewalks.

Saliva is said to have healing properties.">
Even comedic properties. Who doesn't love a good spit take.
For more on spit takes, follow this link:
I also strongly believe in spitting after brushing my teeth or while I am at the dentist. Did you know that the sink you use at the dentist's is called a cuspidor.

This brings us to the spittoon I say bring it back. You all know what those scofflaws will get to do, spittoon cleaning duty!!!!!